
The Road to Kensington (excerpt)

“Hi Skye. ” I answered with less enthusiasm than a sloth. I was not in any mood to be friendly especially to Skye who was enjoying her life. Charles had carried her on a vacation in Paris recently. She was in ecstasy and I was in mourning. “You have got to get out of bed…

I love you friend

  Losing a close friend, family or child can teach you many lessons. One major lesson is in love. You truly understand how much you really loved them. How much you admired them. How much you cherished their smile, laugh, voice. Even a simple thing as how they touched their chin when thinking of ways…

Overcoming your Image

     I was once on a Facebook page that dealt with being a thicker female in society. This page was run by others who considered themselves BBW lovers, and BBW. During my stint I had to promote the love for body and image. Redefine the ideas people had, speak with women who considered themselves…

The scars I didnt carry.

  I’ve come a long way. I’ve endured words spewed at me and I’ve encountered love in few that graced my presence. All in all I’ve lived to see another day. There was a time I would refrain from certain activities due to words. Words affected my inner core. It ate my flesh and gnawed…

Vance and Kensington (teaser)

Vance wasn’t sure how to invite Kensington to this house party he heard about. Thing is, it wasn’t something he usually went to, but since meeting her, many of his ideas about life had changed. “Do you trust me Kensington?” He asked while touching her thigh. He never got enough of the feel of her…

Unfaithful – Poetry

Most of you may know about this When the other woman calls She gives you the impression she’s the best Flawless makeup, best body and all Your mobile rings with your favourite song On the other end you are surprise It’s an explanation so long “That’s my man, stay away from him! You better watch…