Tag Archives: author

Coffee, Traffic and Dragons….oh my!!

“She is waiting’.
“Sorry. She is waiting”.
I knew who ‘she’ is and I wasnt really looking forward to speaking with ‘her’.
‘She’, is our best selling author. The one I signed five years ago, and who gave the company it’s big break. Nicky Oh. Yes, just like Jackie O. I rubbed my temples, warding off the migraine that was soon to be filling its space.
“Thanks K”.

What is your name?

Is my real name Angel Harrt? Hi, welcome to the world of a writer. A name is just a name, or is it? There are many struggles writers encounter. Some daily, others sporadically. Struggles vary from word usage to topics to cover. From book covers to pricing. It’s a struggle and one that isn’t easily…

The Road to Kensington (excerpt)

“Hi Skye. ” I answered with less enthusiasm than a sloth. I was not in any mood to be friendly especially to Skye who was enjoying her life. Charles had carried her on a vacation in Paris recently. She was in ecstasy and I was in mourning. “You have got to get out of bed…