I am not a ‘Year in Review’ kind of woman. I am not a person to look behind and then look forward. I am more of a reflect and push forward. I started the New Year confident and strong. I started 2018 coming out of my shell and embracing a part of me I thought was not possible. Owning my world and taking control of it. During the year this has been tested. Mostly by humans who call themselves family. The entire year I was encouraged more by my friends to share my story. i was encouraged by strangers to be bold. Be strong. Be me.
Friends were always more understanding. Easier to maintain boundaries. Friends are acceptable to change and behaviours. They can see growth or ways for you to go harder in your endeavours. Simple. Effective. Family on the other hand requires more energy. More energy to ignore and to interact with. Family required patience and their minds are not open to difference of opinions or being unique. ok, some or most. No more hiding in the shadows. Now more ‘diming my light’. This year I lit a beacon and I intend to continue the path of loaning my voice to the women and men who struggle to be prt of society.
This year I started out strong, confident, owning my folds and curves, and my sexuality. This year I end sharing what I have learnt with you. With those that can understand and relate. Those who see my beauty and fell in love with it. Those who accepted that I am sexual, sensual and I can also be spiritual. Those who see that as a woman, I can have thoughts and dreams that are not all sugar and spice and everything nice.
Thank you for believing in my dream. Honoring my words. Struggling with me. Lifting me up and waling with me hand in hand. I appreciate every like/comment/share.
Thank you to Jerilyn, Jeanne Marie, Dawn-Marie, Hazel, ‘Wetbeak’, Adrian, Santi, Chris, Christophe, Nicole, Faculty Films, Keifel, Shernya, Aunty Joy, Akiba, Aunty Philicent, and Denish and Mario. For those I didnt menton, I still love you and appreciate you. I am grateful for every book you bought, every review made, every time you whispered my name to another.
I am still searching for that music. The music I never bought but know it exist. The music that I hum and plays to the beat of the life I live. Maybe next year I will buy the music? A thought and a dream in one perhaps. Until then……..
Stay beautiful and loved.
Stay tuned for more. #BodyUp, the baby I shall birth in 2019. See you on the 1st.
Photo cred goes to Christian Hume.
If you have not bought the book yet please feel free to do so now by following the link provided – All her panty Exposed. Also here is – My big Fat Book of Poems. You can find me on instagram – @angel_the_author
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