Welcome to my world

Hi all, welcome to my world. I am a Trinidadian based author who loves words, writing and all things creative. My very best fruit would be pineapple but I will make another post about that another time. I have been writing for years on end but last year I have started a new thing where I will be writing an ebook a month for the next 12 months.

Join my journey, hold on for the ride. You will be graced with new books to read and share, new ideas that I will have, new info about my other friends that I have made over the years.

Please, if you have any question do not be afraid to send the, I am always ready to read and rpely to questions. No question would be considered stupid. I will cherish every question sent.

Thank you for your time. I hope you do enjoy. Stay tuned for more…………. much more.

Stay naughty yet nice



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